Sidestep information overwhelm by cultivating a “personal infrastructure”​

Chuck Frey
3 min readAug 31, 2021

Learn how Herbert Lui’s elegantly simple concept can help you reduce stress and increase focus!

We’re all overwhelmed by information overload. It causes a kind of paralysis, impeding our ability to see things clearly, brainstorm effectively, plan intelligently and take action decisively. In short, it’s a complex challenge that isn’t easily solved.

Tools like personal knowledge managers and mind mapping are helpful, but they’re not complete solutions on their own. What’s needed is a higher-level way of thinking about personal productivity and effectiveness — like Herbert Lui’s elegant “personal infrastructure” concept.

What is personal infrastructure?

Personal infrastructure is anything that makes unpleasant tasks in your work and life:

  • More fun (like a Dyson does for vacuums)
  • Easier to do (requiring less personal/emotional motivation)
  • Completely automated (so you don’t even need to consider it!)

Some of it is based on intelligent use of tools that save time and mental energy. An excellent example is a digital note-taking system where you can record your thoughts, ideas and inspirations.



Chuck Frey

Thought leader in mind mapping, visual thinking and creativity for 15+ years. Relentless explorer, learner and dot-collector. I help you elevate your thinking.