BANI: How to gain a massive advantage in today’s chaotic world

Chuck Frey
5 min readJun 4, 2023

Tools and strategies to help you navigate an unprecedented, pervasive “phase change”

Have you noticed that the forces affecting your industry, profession and the world are more unpredictable lately? It’s not your imagination.

Conditions aren’t just unstable, they’re chaotic.

Events aren’t just ambiguous, they’re incomprehensible.

Outcomes aren’t just hard to foresee, they’re completely unpredictable.

Oh, and by the way: Our traditional approach of gathering additional information doesn’t guarantee you’ll achieve an improved understanding of what’s going on.


For years, the VUCA framework — which stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity — has been the lens through which futurists and strategists have tried to make sense of accelerating change. But according to Jamais Cascio, an American anthropologist, author and futurist, it’s no longer enough:

“We have become so thoroughly surrounded by a world of VUCA that it seems less a way to distinguish important differences than simply a depiction of our default condition. Using VUCA to describe reality provides diminishing



Chuck Frey

Thought leader in mind mapping, visual thinking and creativity for 15+ years. Relentless explorer, learner and dot-collector. I help you elevate your thinking.