28 incomparable ways to be indispensable

Chuck Frey
5 min readMay 5, 2023

Why this life-changing mindset may soon become a matter of survival!

For entrepreneurs and creators, being indispensable isn’t just a nice to have, it’s essential to your success. But how can you cultivate this quality?

Before I share some awesome strategies you can use to become truly irreplaceable, let’s have a level set on what being indispensable means. Amy Hoover, quoted in a Forbes article, summarizes it succinctly:

“To be indispensable means that you are so good and efficient at your job that your boss and co-workers don’t want to imagine replacing you. You are the go-to person they count on; the one who simply gets things done.”

Don’t be a lemming

Contrast this with the typical worker who does what they’re told and no more. They’re trying to fit in, to do just enough to keep the boss happy, but nothing more.

Someone who blindly follows a crowd — maybe even toward catastrophe — is called a lemming. Most workers are, sadly, like those little rodents who follow the herd.

Perhaps in today’s world of extreme uncertainty, they’re scared sh*tless to make a mistake. So they play it safe — never realizing that they’re putting themselves at greater risk by not…



Chuck Frey

Thought leader in mind mapping, visual thinking and creativity for 15+ years. Relentless explorer, learner and dot-collector. I help you elevate your thinking.